Bon bon
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2016-01-25 - 4:05 p.m.

My mom told me Bon Bon wasn't very happy that everyone seems to be focusing more on Hailey. On reflection, I have to admit that too. But ever since Bon was very small, we started giving him more attention.

Bon starts to grow up - he is such a sweet and kind-hearted little boy. Last week, after i picked up Hailey from school at 5:30pm (i asked my sister if it's ok that i don't pick up bon - cos i will have to leave the office even earlier - she said he should be fine), Bon was home playing with play-doh. He asked me what i wanted to eat and i said "egg and sausage". He really did make me a sunny side up and a sausage. He also requested me to read him stories -- and he liked the animal pictures i printed for him too. He laughed so loud and said gorillas really looks like human!


In 2014's Xmas, i made him some animal flash cards. He treasured the flash cards very much and brought them to "country garden" to play with us. He also made sure he tidied up everytime after playing. I don't remember if i spent quality time with him playing the cards....................

But i remember we played "hide balloons". Everytime, he couldn't wait to tell people where the balloons are - and gave hints.



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